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Museums, Cities, Cultural Power

Organised by Brunel University London, the Museum of London, and UCL Urban Laboratory, "Museums, Cities, Cultural Power" is a free two-day online symposium that examines the role of museums in the contemporary city and analyses the dynamics of selected museum development projects in London, the UK and other cities around the world such as Cape Town, Santiago de Chile, Barcelona, Brussels, Rio de Janeiro and Rotterdam. Sessions will take place in British Summer Time.

"Museums, Cities, Cultural Power" offers a critical space for cultural and museum practitioners, academics, urbanists, architects and activists to explore the civic, cultural and economic agency of contemporary urban museums. It will provide insights into some of today’s most significant cultural development projects and the evolving power relations implicated in different approaches to their design and implementation in a range of urban contexts and emerging futures.

• What impact do large-scale cultural developments have on neighbourhoods and the people who inhabit them?

• How can museums enter into dialogue with their surroundings architectonically, culturally and socially?

• How do localities shape museums?

• What can a civic museum be in light of the Black Lives Matter movement, and who for?

• How can museums represent and be of value to a wide cross section of society within their cities and beyond?

• How can cultural institutions become part of the everyday fabric of urban life and its paradoxes?

• What is the role of museums in the post-Covid-19 city?

Price: Free registration at website below

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